About the contributors and research
initial research for this section of GaramChai.com and FAQs
was done by several volunteers. Special credit goes to Mr.
Srivathsa Joshi, who has provided some of the core content
that he had blogged. According to Joshi, "It all started
during January/February 2002 when USA was limping back to
normalcy after a nightmare of incidents in 2001. I wanted
to contribute my bit in giving a pep up to the dwindiling
confidence and morale among friends. A mind-refreshing antidote
and reassurance that yes, this country still has hopes for
we immigrants who have come here with dreams of our own. It
is not just to earn money or to lead a luxurious life we are
here, but equally we are obliged to feel proud about the history,
customs and systems of this country. GOD bless America and

and trivia in these mails are collected and compiled by Joshi
from various sources – Websites, Books from the library, Newspapers,
Radio/TV talk shows and so on. Neither he nor GaramChai.com
can vouch for the accuracy of the facts in this compilation.
Pursuing his info-sharing interests, Srivathsa Joshi is presently
writing an infotainment weekly column (http://thatskannada.indiainfo.com/column/vichitranna/index.html
) in Kannada for a Kannada web-portal and his column is quite
popular among e-savvy Kannadiga population around the globe.
He can be reached at srivathsajoshi _ a t _ yahoo.com
from Joshi, several of GaramChai.com staff members volunteered
time and effort to compile and edit the content. Comments
and feedback may be sent to Webmaster _ a t _ GaramChai.com