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Featured Book
Dowry Bride
By Shobhan
Publishing Corp. Copies also available on
reviewed by an reviewer Academy:
As someone who has lived in India, and
had educated friends and relatives succumb
to the demands for dowry ( some very subtle,
some not so subtle), DOWRY BRIDE, is a
book we needed. The issue has permeated
all socio-economic strata's and faith
groups in India and some brides do burn
for not bringing enough of a dowry, while
others live with taunts, abuse and discrimination
for not having brought the laundry lists
of goods demanded. Female infanticide
in India has its roots in traditions such
as this. Woven into fiction, 'The Dowry
Bride' will perhaps do for dowry what
'Kite Runner' did for Afghani kids. Highly
first novels are often disappointing while
the author starts to develop writing skills.
The Dowry Bride is different. Shobhan
Bantwal delivers a great story line with
vivid characters and a non-stop sense
of thrill and intrigue from cover to cover.
The story of a young girl, Megha travels
from her typical upbringing to her less
than glamorous wedding to her post-wedding
struggles and the realization of her own
family's evil plot to burn her at the
stake so her husband can marry someone
else offering a decent dowry keeps the
reader eagerly flipping pages non-stop.
balance between this young woman's tragic situation
and her new found love for a distance family
relative is carefully crafted gradually at some
points and quickly in other so the reader can't
guess at where the story will end.
The extraordinary journey the author creates
will tear at your heart while also giving a
glimmer of hope that romance and true love still
exist, even in the most dark and dangerous places.
Megha starts as a small fragile new bride and
ends with a sort of sophistication that only
comes with the survival of hard times and plenty
of self-awareness.
a beautifully written book that explores the
morbid side of humanity, the small daily miracles
that can happen and the imbalance in life's
justice. The Dowry Bride will make you cry,
laugh, frown and most of all think. Although
it's fiction, it will present a topic that needs
more attention because it still happens in today's
society. Dowry crimes can be ruthless and result
in mental abuse, torture, and sometimes death.
Bantwal takes a brave look at an old topic and
delivers a piece of work that may just make
an impact. Wonderful, Vivid, and Worth Reading.
with detail
splendidly depicts passion,
brutality, and cultures in conflict."
-- Bestselling author, Dorothy Garlock
expertly portrays a young woman caught
love and duty, hope and despair." --Anjali
Vedic Wedding: Origins, Tradition and Practice
By Dr.
A. V. Srinivasan
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below what the community is saying about
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are putting the final touches on my wedding
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can't tell you how grateful I am that you
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book explains the intricate, step by step
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A. V. Srinivasan
website for more details
Featured Book
Spite of the Gods: The Strange Rise of Modern
By Edward Luce (Author)
Week reviews the book: James Paul,
29, is emblematic of India's new dynamism.
The son of lower-middle-class Christian
schoolteachers from the southern state of
Kerala, he is a graduate of the elite Indian
Institute of Technology in Mumbai. His parents
were forced to take out a loan to fund his
$120-per-term tuition. It paid off: Paul
now manages a 1,500-person business unit
at Bangalore software giant InfoSys Technologies
Ltd. (INFY ), where he was hired in 1998.
His salary has jumped tenfold in a decade,
to $50,000, a huge sum given the area's
low cost of living....
Review: Quoted from From The Washington
Post's Book World/
Edward Luce, a keenly observant British
journalist who headed the Financial Times's
bureau in New Delhi at the cusp of the new
century, ventures an answer in this insightful
and engaging book. His sharp-witted prose
brings today's India to life with insight
and irreverence. ("If Gandhi had not
been cremated," Luce writes, "he
would be turning in his grave.") Luce's
writing is richly evocative of place and
mood, and In Spite of the Gods sparkles
with the kind of telling detail that illuminates
an anecdote and lifts it above mere reportage.
Almost the only thing not worth admiring
in this book is its awful title, which suggests
a nation struggling against the heavens
-- a thesis that has nothing to do with
Luce's sophisticated and sympathetic narrative.
early on that in India it is not enough
to meet the "right people," Luce
travels throughout the country meeting the
"wrong people" as well. He explores
economic development from the ground up
while never losing sight of the big picture
(a "modern and booming service sector
in a sea of indifferent farmland");
he punctures the myths surrounding India's
IT explosion (which he correctly argues
will not solve India's fundamental employment
problems because it employs only about 1
million of the country's 1.1 billion people);
and he depicts the continuing allure of
the secure and corruption-laden "government
job." Few foreigners have written with
as much understanding of the skills and
limitations of India's senior government
bureaucrats -- of their idealism and inefficiency,
of the vested interests that impede growth
and progress -- and Luce also captures the
extraordinary triumphs of India despite
these obstacles.
my frequent visits home, I discover that
India is anything but the unchanging land
of cliche. The country is in the grips of
dramatic transformations that amount to
little short of a revolution -- in politics,
economics, society and culture. In politics,
the single-party governance of India's early
decades has given way to an era of multiparty
coalitions. In economics, India has leapt
from protectionism to liberalization, albeit
with the hesitancy of governments looking
over their electoral shoulders. In caste
and social relations, India has witnessed
convulsive changes. And yet all this change
and ferment, which would have rent a lesser
country asunder, have been managed through
an accommodative and pluralist democracy.
Luce tells this story remarkably well.
is, for instance, a gently sympathetic portrait
of Sonia Gandhi, the Italian-born leader
of the ruling Congress Party, for whom "the
political is very personal." Luce,
who is married to an Indian, clearly admires
much of India's culture, such as its remarkable
novelists, musicians and film-makers: "If
world trade were to be conducted purely
in cultural products," he writes, "then
India would have a thumping annual surplus."
He suggests an answer to the famous question
of why so few of India's 140 million Muslims,
unlike their neighbors in Pakistan, have
joined jihadist groups: because of "the
political system under which they live,"
which guarantees them "freedom of speech,
expression, worship, and movement."
Luce is a far from uncritical admirer. He
is unsparing on the corruption that infests
Indian politics and society, on the ersatz
Westernization that has seen sonograms used
to facilitate the abortion of female fetuses
by parents wanting sons, on the "unimpressive
politicians" who run India's "impressive
no one speaks seriously anymore of the dangers
of disintegration that, for years, India
was said to be facing. Luce demonstrates
that, for all its flaws, India's democratic
experiment has worked. The country has seen
linguistic clashes, inter-religious riots
and sputtering separatism, but democracy
has helped to defuse each of these. Even
the explosive potential of caste division
has been channeled through the ballot box.
Most strikingly, the power of electoral
numbers has given high office to the lowest
of India's low. Who could have imagined
that, after 3,000 years of caste discrimination,
an "Untouchable" woman would become
chief minister of India's most populous
state? Yet that has happened twice and looks
likely to happen again this year when the
northern state of Uttar Pradesh goes to
the polls. In 2004, India witnessed an event
unprecedented in human history: A nation
of more than 1 billion people, after the
planet's largest exercise ever in free elections,
saw a Catholic political leader (Sonia Gandhi)
make way for a Sikh (Manmohan Singh) to
be sworn in as prime minister by a Muslim
(President Abdul Kalam) -- in a country
that is 81 percent Hindu.
is right to list the many problems the country
faces: the poor quality of much of its political
leadership, the rampant corruption, the
criminalization of politics (more than 100
of the 552 members of Parliament's lower
house have charges pending against them).
The situation in Kashmir festers, provoking
periodic crises with Pakistan and leading
to fears (mostly exaggerated) of nuclear
war on the subcontinent. Luce summarizes
these issues crisply and cogently. But I'd
like to have read a little more about the
strengths of India's vibrant civil society:
nongovernmental organizations actively defending
human rights, promoting environmentalism,
fighting injustice. The country's press
is free, lively, irreverent, disdainful
of sacred cows. India is the only country
in the English-speaking world where the
print media are expanding rather than contracting,
even as the country supports the world's
largest number of all-news TV channels.
Disappointingly, Luce tells us nothing of
these are cavils. Luce clearly loves the
country he writes about -- an essential
attribute for a book like this -- but he
is tough-minded as well, and his judgment
is invariably sound. "In India,"
a colleague once told Luce, "things
are never as good or as bad as they seem."
If you want to understand how that might
be, read his wonderful book.
Immigrants: Rights, Activism, and Transnational
South Asian Politics in the United States
By Monisha Das Gupta
the Author: Monisha Das Gupta is Assistant
Professor of Ethnic Studies and Women's
Studies at the University of Hawai’i. More
about Prof. Das
Review: In Unruly Immigrants, Monisha
Das Gupta explores the innovative strategies
that South Asian feminist, queer, and labor
organizations in the United States have
developed to assert claims to rights—such
as fair wages or protection from violence—for
immigrants without the privileges or security
of citizenship. Since the 1980s, many South
Asian immigrants have found the India-centered,
“model minority” politics of previous generations
inadequate to the task of redressing problems
such as violence against women, homophobia,
racism, and poverty. Thus they have developed
new models of immigrant advocacy. They have
sought rights that are mobile rather than
rooted in national membership; they have
advanced their claims as migrants rather
than as citizens-to-be. Creating social
justice organizations, they have inventively
constructed a transnational complex of rights
by drawing on local, national, and international
laws to seek entitlements for their constituencies.
Gupta offers an ethnography of seven South Asian
organizations in the northeastern United States,
looking at how these groups developed, how they
envisioned their politics, and the conflicts that
emerged within the groups over questions of sexual,
class, and political identities. She explores
the ways that women’s organizations defined and
responded to questions of domestic violence as
they related to women’s immigration status, the
construction of a transnational South Asian queer
identity and culture by people who found themselves
marginalized by both mainstream South Asian and
queer communities in the United States, and the
efforts of labor groups who sought economic justice
for taxi drivers and domestic workers by confronting
local policies that exploited cheap immigrant
labor. Creatively responding to the shortcomings
of the state, their communities, and the larger
social movements of which they are a part, these
groups challenge the assumption that citizenship
is the necessary basis of rights claims.
Featured Books
Are God - The Bhagavad Gita as never before
By Shashi Verma
book You Are God - The Bhagavad Gita
as never before unveils the highest wisdom
given by Lord Krishna to Arjun 5000 years
ago. This knowledge was lying virtually
unknown and un-deciphered in the Gita. It
is the wisdom that man has been searching
for thousands of years. This wisdom can
free you -from all kinds of worries, stress
and diseases and stop your process of ageing.
It can change your life forever. It can
endow everlasting peace and happiness to
you. Besides, this secret science can free
you from old age and death and make you
The words of the Gita have been explained
in a simple and easy to understand manner
in You Are God. The person who keeps these
words in his heart shall not only be freed
from all mental stress and worries and physical
ailments, he or she will also be freed from
death and attain everlasting life. For,
the book leads us to the supreme state where
we will live as one with God. |

Life in the US
By Mohan
Babu K
Babu has assembled in one place his
ideas for professionals aspiring to
live and work in the US. In the past
few years, we have seen an exodus
of a vast number of Indians who moved
west. Young professionals in India
still aspire to partake in the globalization
that we are experiencing. In the proposed
book the author shares snippets of
life and experiences, gained while
living and working in the UK and US.
Many of the ideas for the book have
emerged from Mohan's weekly column
on working abroad that appears in
Express Computers' IT People section.
to read the complete book online
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