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American Desi
section of features movies and artists of Indian
origin who have made a mark in the global scene.
American Desi (2001)

the Story: 'American
Desi' Written-directed by Piyush Dinker Pandya tells the story
of a unique set of characters and their culture from a decidedly
hip and youthful point of view. Like the masala films of India,
'American Desi' is so full of music and dancing that it might
very well do to Bhangra and Garba what "Saturday Night
Fever" did to Disco!
Gopal Reddy is born in an East Indian family in the U.S.,
and like most U.S. teens grows up hating his culture, the
spicy Indian food, religious prayers, Bollywood movies, his
parents, and his birth name, as he prefers to call himself
Kris. He is overjoyed about finally moving out of his home
into a hostel to start his college. Once in the hostel, he
is openly disgusted with his room-mates, consisting of a Muslim,
A Sikh, and a Hindu, who are not all that "American",
as he believes himself to be. Things change for Kris when
he meets Nina Shah, and he falls in love with her. Nina too
is attracted by him, and both meet. It is then Nina finds
out that Kris hates Indian, and everthing associated with
India, and decides not to have to do anything with him. Kris
then decides that it is now time to learn a little more about
his cultural background - the American way, and not be seen
and thought of an American Born Confused Desi (ABCD)
Movie Review and links:
Review: Plot Outline:
College freshman Krishna Reddy, who has never cared for
his Indian-American cultural heritage, looks forward to
a new life on campus but is surprised to find that he has
been assigned Indian roommates.
- Official
AMERICAN DESI, written-directed by Piyush Dinker Pandya,
is a romantic comedy that focuses on the lives of second
generation Indians in America. Born and raised in New Jersey,
Krishnagopal Reddy (Deep Katdare) is the only son of immigrant
Indian parents. He has long resisted the Indian traditions
and values that his parents have tried to enshrine in their
home. Kris (he shortens his birth name) cannot help but
feel alienated from his family.